Thursday, April 23, 2015

paper swap again!

First off, turns out process pictures are hard! Or at least hard to remember, because I have to grab my camera in the middle of creating.  And then do it again, and again, and somehow I always get caught up in actually making things and forget to take the pictures.  So, there you go.  Do I have process pictures now? well, not so much, although I'm working on it.  Will I in the future? Hope so!

Second, the guild is doing another paper swap, so I'm having fun both making papers and digging through my stash for this.  And digging through my stash leads to more things I want to make, and then I forget to take process pictures.  I'm sure y'all can see where this is going. 

So for the next meeting, I need to: Make some sweet treats, prepare samples for my demo, prepare in-process bits for my demo so I don't have to wait for everything to dry between each step, make sure I've got my best fun hat on to help with the kids, hopefully have a write-up on how to do my demo (complete with process pics if I can EVER MANAGE TO TAKE THEM!) and make sure I have a nice fat packet of papers for trade. 

I may have bitten off more than I am entirely comfortable chewing.  Just possibly.  On the other hand, if I can make it through May, June will be a piece of cake!

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