Sunday, March 23, 2014

more pottery

I mentioned a week or two ago that there are many reasons I like the paint-your-own pottery places, not least of which is that it's trivially easy to play with someone else's artistic toys and get out of it something that is both beautiful and useful.  Great for beginners, and good for more advanced artists who just need to get out of their regular spaces for a while, or even out of their own heads-- I personally find it to be very helpful when things are weighing me down to get into a different SPACE and away from my own regular art-fodder reserves, into creation with a certain amount of constraint.

So, last week, needing that kind of break, my friend and I went and painted at one of the local studios we hadn't tried before.  Just 'cause they're a little farther out than the ones we normally go to, so it requires a bit more of a time commitment; we'll certainly be back.

I had one piece in mind that I wanted to make: I wanted a butter dish.  My old plastic ones are falling apart, and I HATE the way cold butter shreds hot toast.  I even had an idea in place, waiting only a time when I would be at a studio that had a butter dish on the shelf. 

Friday I brought home the results: 

I gotta say, I'm pleased.  It came out prettier than I'd really even envisioned, and there's not much better that you can say about something you've made. 

It'll probably be a bit before I'm back to paint ceramics, because I've got a lot of other projects in the pipeline and taking a day out elsewhere doesn't just happen that often.  But I've already got thoughts of what I'd like to do, and heck, I've still got 9 boring cabinet knobs in my kitchen (did I mention some of these places let you paint cabinet knobs? my kitchen is SO much more colorful now!) and 7 in my bathrooms, and 5 boring lightswitch plates (although some of those may get paper or paint decorations, rather than pottery ones).  I can't believe I used to think that mugs and planters were the only things available!

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